13 February 2012

Count on me too!

"And I can think 

Of nothing in life 
That I could more wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend, 
And love a friend... like you."

They say that you can judge a person by the kind of friends they have. Frankly, I don't deserve that sort of a compliment. Because my best buds not only are the best people I will ever know, but are also the ones that make me who I am.

For all the times you've made me laugh, for the times you've kept my secrets, for the times you've never judged me, for the warmest hugs, for teaching me to let go, for inspiring me, for reminding me that life is too short to regret anything, for being there for me every single time, for being my family, for all the long pointless conversations, for understanding how I felt even when I dint, for being patient with me, for whacking me when I am wrong, for loving me despite my flaws..... for letting me be me.

And there is just one thing I hope you do,
Just the way I do, I hope you count on me too.

Happy Valentines Day! I Love You <3