Ashwath : My drunk 'ass' friend
Bharath : The mastermind behind 'The Theory'
Diana : The pretty girlfriend
Adrien : The DJ
Govinda : The stranger
To understand this eventful day, uve got to first know 'the theory'.
Bharthi's Theory : I'd rather be born a girl* in my next birth than a boy. (*Conditions apply)
Rationale : 1. Because its easier for a girl to hook up with a boy than viceversa
2. Because the dating stage is much more heavier on the wallet for a boy than it is for a girl
3. Because during any life crisis, the women and children are given first priority.
4. Because a man has to open the door and give way for a women, not vice versa.
5. Because women are allowed in women's change rooms, men are not. Ha!
(Theory still under construction)
To be continued
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